Your home could be making you money!
Now is a great time to be clearing out some of the clutter around your home and I bet you didn’t know that you had so much around your home which could be making you MONEY!!
There is a market for almost everything so we have decided to compile a quick list of some of the best sellers we have found by clearing out our home and putting a few extra dollars in our back pocket. Many of these items we forgot we even had, and a quick search on eBay sold listings made us aware of just how valuable some of the clutter around our home actually is!
An added bonus, reducing the clutter around your house is extremely soothing for your mind and body and is extremely beneficial for your health! So while you may have some downtime, have a look around and see if your home could be making you money!
Books – cookbooks (weber, vegan, dietary, quick meals, tv chefs, thermomix, weightloss), harry potter books (1st editions can be worth big money!, full sets for over $100), biographies (popular names have great resale), textbooks (textbooks are expensive so often students will purchase second hand to save costs), nostalgia (pokemon etc are big collectors items and fans snap these up!)
- Board games – many board games are worth big money. Fantasy board games are big collectors items, dungeons and dragons, game of thrones etc have great resell and are often found sitting in the back of the cupboard. Novelty monopoly are also a great reseller and limited edition versions are valuable to the right collector.
- Broken vacuum cleaners! – The parts of many vacuum cleaners can be quite expensive and are highly sort after. Well known brands such as Dyson have many restorers and repairman searching for second hand broken vacuum cleaners to source their parts for their clients. We have sold broken Dyson vacuum cleaners for up to $150! Better than just putting them on the kerb for clean up!
- Clothing – Name brand clothing has great resale! Kids clothing includes such brands as Bonds, Osh Kosh, Rock Your Baby etc. Due to kids growing so quickly, many parents find it hard to fork out the retail price of brand name clothes for young kids so will look online for second hand items. Adult name brand clothing is highly sought after also. Items such as Activewear, formal dresses, corporate attire are all big sellers! Be on the look out for brands such as Lorna Jane, Lululemon, Country Road, Veronika Maine, Witchery, G Star Raw, Levis etc. These high quality brands have a cult following and will often be snapped up within minutes of being listed! Condition is everything and ensuring brand logos are intact and not damaged will lead to greater sales!
- BBQ’s – One of the most popular brand names in the world is Weber. Known for its durability and quality of product, Original webers can last decades and there is a cult following online for people searching to find their birth year coded Weber BBQ! Each Weber kettle has a year code stamped on the vent determining when they were made. Other features such as wooden handles, ash catchers and certain colours can fetch a pretty penny! Their WeberQ BBQs are also very popular second hand due to their ease of use and quality, plus Weber has the best customer service around!
- Lego - Lego has always been popular which means it has a great resale value. With original kits being quite expensive, second hand lego is a great seller at an average of $20/kg. Discontinued sets can go for quite a bit of money as true collectors search to find all the sets released. Selling in bulk has its benefits however make sure every piece of lego is real and branded with lego logo. Collectors are very picky when it comes to ensuring everything is authentic!
- Disney anything! – Vintage Disney would have to be the most sought after, with many original Disney products selling for hundreds to collectors. Many things you may have around your home may be old Disney VHS tapes! That’s right, VHS tapes are finally worth something and are becoming increasingly sought after for their nostalgia! Old Disney stuffed animals and toys are also great sellers, and if you have anything over 20 years old that is brand new, it would be worth popping online to check out the resale value!
- Video Games – There has become a sudden popularity for old video games and their systems. With the recent rerelease of the old Super Nintendo systems and new movies being released based around games from the 80s and 90s, video game fanatics are searching for the older systems and games for a bit of nostalgia. Sega, Playstation, Nintendo, GameBoy etc are all increasingly popular and depending on condition are quite valuable. Match these with some recognisable popular games such as donkey kong or pokemon and video game fanatics will snap them up immediately!
- Your old phone – many of us have upgraded our phones and tossed the old one in the drawer and forgotten about it. These phones have value! With phones becoming increasingly more expensive, many people are looking at grabbing a smart phone which is a few years old to try and keep up with tech. 4 year old iPhones still sell for a couple of hundred dollars and that beats having them sit in a drawer! Even with a smashed screen, many will sell for good money to be used for parts.
- Kids toys – We’ve all been there when your child has become obsessed with a tv show and suddenly has all the merchandise to go with it, only to find 3 months down the track they no longer care for that show and the toys that go with it and have moved on to the next best thing (We know this too well as we have every paw patrol under the sun and a little boy who has just found the Avengers!). These toys are expensive to buy new, some ranging from $50-150 for the most sought after, biggest contraption that you later found out actually does nothing besides taking up all the room on the floor. Many parents will scour the web searching for second hand toys as they can’t justify the new prices knowing full well their child will move on in a matter of months! Throw all the toys together and sell as a bulk lot, there will be parents jumping all over them and happy kids having their favourite characters to play with.
- Outdoor kids equipment – Unused cubby houses, trampolines, bikes, sandpits, pools. These are always a popular seller and bring hours of entertainment to the new owners! Bikes which children have grown often clutter our sheds and garages and finding them new homes will often make us happier as well to see them gone and the space cleared!
- Electronics – believe it or not, even in todays age where an item lasts as long as the manufacturers warranty and often things become obsolete before they are even off the shelf, older electronics are still very much sought after. One that surprised us recently to find out was that DVD and VHS players were becoming increasingly popular and harder to get in usable condition so they can go for good money! Also, brand named film cameras are very good sellers as they are no longer made and a newer generation of photographers are liking the old style of photograph. Essentially anything with a name brand has a market, old apple laptops for example are used for parts which can no longer be purchased new. Its worth a look online to see if your old electronics are more valuable than you think!
- Plants – If you’re a bit of green thumb, there is a market for cuttings and succulents and you can make a few extra $$ by replanting and selling these.
- Old furniture – Quality furniture is expensive and becoming harder to come by. Solid timber chairs, bookshelves and tables are often a great seller and a quick sand and lick of varnish can have them looking like new! Ikea also offer a buy-back scheme in which you can return older ikea furniture and receive a refund card to purchase brand new items! Find more info here!
Where to sell? We sell our items on Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Gumtree and finding specialised facebook communities which focus on the brands we want to sell!
Comment below if you have any other great ideas we can include for making money around your home!
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